Tullamore Safety

Safetyvest - location no. 1 (6 adult - must be 1 for everybody - you don't have to wear them at all times but in case of inspection there has to be 1 present for everybody on the boat)
Lokation no. 14 has children safetyvests, various sizes, 4 in total. In case of man overboard, there is a spare fender with a line under the seat (location 8) that one can toss to the person in the water
Fire extinguisher - location 5 (wall cabinet)
Emegency kit with bandaid etc... - location 17 (open panel in hull)
Snorkel & mask - location 13 (if something is tangled in the prop/rudder)
Flashlight - location 17 (open panel in hull - usb rechargeable)
Tow rope 10 meter - location 8 (so you can tow or be towed)